Why You Need to Practice Self Care Every Day

Practice Self Care

The concept of self-care has become a popular one within the wellbeing and self-improvement sector. But taking time to practice self care can sometimes feel self-indulgent.

Having a focus on positive self-care is not a luxury. It’s not being selfish. Self-care is the way to protect your biggest asset – you.

You’re also the only permanent part of your own life. It’s vital that you take care of yourself, even if that’s just so you’re available to care for others.

The global wellness market is now three times bigger than the pharmaceutical market. That’s because self-care works.

Read on for some tips on the importance of self-care and how to practice it.

Practice Self Care to Get to Know Yourself

Personal self-care isn’t just an opportunity to have some time off. It’s also the chance to get to know yourself.

When you’re always ‘on’ you don’t take the time to reflect. You’re constantly plunging from one task to the next, chained to your to-do list.

You don’t get the opportunity to evaluate what’s working, what isn’t, and what you want to change.

But when you practice self care, you create a space in which to think. This is where you’ll evaluate what your priorities are.

Knowing your priorities lets you organize your time. You’ll be more productive, and you’ll be happier knowing you’re working towards whatever is right for you.

Self-care also gives you the opportunity to ‘unplug.’ By disconnecting from usual stressors, you’ll more easily find inspiration for new ventures, projects, or businesses.

Positive Self Care Costs Little

The benefits of self-care outweigh any costs but the best part? There are few to no costs! Many self-care practices are free.

The biggest cost is your time, but with such a great return on investment, you’ll soon be convinced. Especially when you enjoy better sleep, fewer health problems, and greater moods.

Low cost or free, options range from meditation to art therapy. You could do yoga on the beach every morning. Or set aside an evening a week for a luxurious bubble bath.

Even leaving your desk and going for a walk around the block counts as free self-care. By removing yourself from the office environment, you’re disconnecting from your work. You give your mind a chance to ‘reset.’

You’ll come back to work feeling more productive. So quit working through your lunch hour and take some time to yourself.

Practice Self Care Every Day to See Big Changes

It doesn’t matter how many long baths you take if you keep mentally beating yourself up. That’s why you need to practice self care every day to combat the build-up of stress and tension.

Start with affirmations. They’re free to do, and you’ll start seeing results within a couple of weeks.

Choose positive aspects of yourself that you want to nurture. Formulate them as ‘I am’ statements.

If you want to choose negative aspects you’d like to change, reframe them as positive. So if you keep interrupting people, choose an affirmation that’s the opposite of what you do.

Your behavior follows what you say you are. So you might say;

  • I am a strong individual who has great ideas
  • I am a confident person who makes friends easily
  • I am a good listener who cares about people

Repeat 3-5 affirmations to yourself every day. Focus on really feeling them, and you’ll soon notice a shift in your mindset.

Self Care Helps You Avoid Burnout

The ‘hustle’ has become a major part of 21st-century life. 53.3 million Americans were freelancing in 2017. That was both a full-time and a side gig for respondents to a survey.

Being busy and constantly ‘on’ is a source of pride for many entrepreneurs and freelancers. If you’re forever switched on, you need self-care habits more than most.

Otherwise, you’ll run out of energy and burn out. Around 8.3 million Americans report suffering from psychological distress.

Being burnt out will stress you out further because of the time you’ll lose in recuperating.

Practicing self-care every day helps to recharge your batteries. Treat each self-care habit as a mini vacation for your mind. You’ll come back to your work refreshed and energized.

Self Care Lets You Put Yourself First

We often struggle to say ‘no’ as part of the ‘hustle’. Even in a regular desk job, consider how often you work late to meet deadlines. Or take on extra work because you a) think you have to or b) want to impress your boss.

Self-care is often the first thing to be cut from a busy schedule. We’re conditioned to think that work has to come first.

Remember no one ever lay on their death bed and wished they’d done more work.

But when you choose to practice self care every day, you’re reminding yourself that you matter too. Your needs are just as important as those of others.

Understanding this helps to boost your self-esteem and your confidence. That actually makes you a better worker because your priorities are better aligned.

Don’t Put Off Self Care For ‘Next Week’

The whole point of self-care is to realign your life. You’ll end up more productive, more balanced, and healthier.

So why would you put that off until tomorrow? Commit to practice self care every day and start now.

Go for a walk. Call a friend. Make a cup of tea.

In the words of L’Oreal, you’re worth it.

Come back to visit us whenever you need a boost or fresh ideas about self-improvement. And leave us a comment to share your favorite self-care practices.