A Nutritionist’s Guide to Protein for Women

Protein for Women

Are you concerned about what the right amount of protein for women is? Well, you probably should be.

Protein is one of the essential building blocks for the body and it is involved in virtually all bodily functions. But there are some very specific reasons why protein intake for women is even more important.

In this article, we will walk you through the basic protein requirements for women and point out the specific impacts that protein has on women’s health.

Let’s jump right in!

Why Is Protein Important for Women?

Protein is what scientists call a macronutrient. It is a critical element of virtually every aspect of our body’s makeup, including:

  • Muscles
  • Hair
  • Skin
  • Bones

But more than being the material from which our bodies are made, it is also an essential component of specific bodily processes. The most essential of these is fueling your energy and assisting in transporting oxygen throughout the body.

These processes are particularly important for women during the following periods:

  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Menopause

During each of these periods, the female body’s nutritional requirements are much higher. This means that women burn energy more quickly at these times and require higher levels of protein intake.

But how exactly does protein help?

How Protein Helps Women

Many women will have experienced spikes in their cravings during menstruation, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. These spikes occur because the body is craving energy.

However, when we feel these cravings, we often go for quick-fixes like sugar and fat. But what we really need during these times is good quality protein.

Eating protein during these times will not only improve your overall health but will also significantly reduce cravings. Even better, it will kickstart the metabolism to assist with fat-burning. So, stay away from the ice cream and look for healthy protein supplements for women.

You should take the time to learn more about how protein helps during menopause since it is even more essential during this time.

The Right Amount of Protein for Women

What is the best protein for women?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that women and girls of 14 years or older should consume 46 grams of protein each day. However, during the specific times mentioned above, a higher protein intake may be necessary.

You can easily achieve your protein goals by incorporating protein shakes for women in your diet, or by eating more lean and natural protein foods.

Listen to Your Body

When it comes to protein for women, the numbers are usually less important than what your own body is telling you. If you are feeling tired, sluggish, and hungry, there is a good chance you need more protein.

So, if you aren’t feeling well, don’t just wait for it to go away. Try and be proactive and lift your protein intake. You should notice the difference within a few days or a week!

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