How to Have a Perfect Application Picture: The Complete Guide

When you go to apply for a new job, it’s only natural to experience a little anxiety. If the job you’re applying for has a lot of other candidates, every single aspect of your application counts. Typically, only 20 percent of applicants are invited for a job interview.

What you may not know is that your application picture can play a vital role in whether or not you get that call. Your photo, how you dress, whether or not you’re smiling, and many other factors make an impact on potential employers.

How to Perfect Your Application Picture

The question is, what can you do to improve your application photo? Should you smile? What should you wear?

Keep reading for our top tips on how to create good job photos to make a positive, lasting impression.

Wear the Appropriate Clothing

While it’s commonly said you should dress for the job you want, rather than the job you have, this advice doesn’t necessarily pertain to your application picture. For example, if you’re applying for a construction job, you don’t need to wear a hardhat in your photo. You should, however, be well-dressed with a business or business-casual aesthetic.

Style Yourself Conservatively

Regardless of how awesome you look with a long, bushy beard or vibrant makeup, your job application photo is not the right setting to display it. In your photo, make sure you style your hair in a professional, business-oriented way. If you have a beard, make sure it’s neat and trimmed.

For women, use neutral makeup compositions without extreme contrasts or vibrant colors that some employers may frown upon. However, the ideal appearance in your photo can vary based on location. For example, an application photo in Munich may not have the same requirements as one in New York – know your audience.

Posture Matters

Posture is important for many reasons. In terms of your physical health, having good posture can prevent back and neck problems. However, your posture also carries subtle messages to those around you.

In your application photo, make sure you’re sitting up with your back straight or standing without hunching. Your hands can be crossed in your lap or across your hips. Avoid crossing your arms near your chest, slouching, or covering your face with your hands in any way.

Framing is Important

Additionally, how you’re framed in the photo is important. For example, you don’t need your whole body in the picture. Also, you should be at or near eye level with the camera.

Finally, make sure your body is slightly angled toward the camera rather than being squared up to it. Facing the camera head-on can come off like a mug shot.


Although the purpose of your application picture is altogether professional, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t smile. In fact, smiling may actually improve your chances of making a positive impression with your photo. When smiling, we appear more open-minded, understanding, compassionate, etc.

Falling to smile may have the unintended result of making you come across too serious, impatient, or close-minded.

Looking for More Great Advice?

If you’re looking for more advice on how to find the perfect job, take a great application picture, or further your career, we can help. Check out some of our other articles before you go to learn more. Good luck!