7 Easy Confidence Boosters You Can Practice Every Day

confidence boosters

Have you ever let a lack of self-confidence stand in your way? Maybe you didn’t bother applying for that job because you thought you’d never get it or you didn’t ask that cute girl out on a date because you thought she would never like you.

Self-confidence plays a huge role in our lives, yet for so many people this elusive trait is hard to get. But, the good news is that you can take matters into your own hands

If you’re willing to work on yourself every day, building self-confidence is possible. You’ll just need to follow a few confidence boosters to help you get there.

Do you want to know more? Keep reading to discover 7 easy confidence boosters you can practice every day.

1. Leave Your Comfort Zone

Are you inherently afraid of trying new things? Do you let adventures and experiences pass you by because you don’t think you’d be able to do it? What it all boils down to is a lack of confidence.

When learning how to boost confidence, it’s important to push yourself and your boundaries. If you never try new things, you’ll never be confident in your abilities to take on new and strange challenges.

Finding ways to leave your comfort zone may seem hard to come by during your daily life, so sit down and write a list. This may include going to that new gym that opened downtown, signing up for an art class at the community center by yourself, or standing up to that coworker that walks all over you.

Once you have a good list created, cross one item off every day – the more you do it, the easier it will get.

2. Be Prepared

Were you that kid who always found themselves without a pencil on test day? Small mishaps like this may not seem bad, but if you are often unprepared, eventually things will start to go wrong and your confidence will take a hit.

One of the best confidence boosters is to always be prepared. Bring a pen and paper to your work meetings, have everything you need for your presentation, and bring a list to the grocery store. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be.

3. Look Your Best

If you’re anything like the average American, you probably feel tired, stressed, and torn in a million different directions every day.

Your morning routine might consist of taking a 10-minute shower, throwing on the first clothes you grab in the closet, fighting with the kids to get ready as you throw together lunches before rushing out the door. When you finally get to work for the day, you look and feel exhausted.

That young and put-together intern walks by and suddenly you realize you have a weird stain on your shirt. Great.

Looking your best is one of the biggest confidence boosters. When you like what you see in the mirror, your whole outlook can change.

Start by shifting your daily routine a bit. Make the kids’ lunches the night before and use that extra time to get ready. Pick out your outfit with care (or set it aside the night before), take an extra few minutes in the shower, and find a product or style that tames your hair.

You’ll look great and feel more confident in yourself.

4. Try the Wrong Store Exercise

Are you constantly worrying about what people think of you? Do you let one mistake ruin your confidence for the rest of the day?

While everyone takes a little confidence hit when they mess up, it doesn’t have to ruin your whole day. Part of learning how to become confident is learning not to care what others think of you.

The wrong store exercise may seem silly, but it’s a great way to boost your confidence.

Walk into any store and ask for something you know they don’t have – the more outlandish, the better. Ask for a big screen TV at the grocery store or for a Big Mac at Burger King.

At first, you’ll probably feel embarrassed and awkward, but after a while, it won’t phase you as much. You’ll learn not to care what the people around you are thinking and your confidence will grow as a result.

5. Stay Positive

One of the biggest parts of lacking self-confidence is lacking positive thoughts. If you always think about the bad parts of your life, the embarrassing past experiences, or how you’re bound to fail, you’ll never be confident. Perhaps the most important confidence-building exercise is to think positive.

Ignore those negative thoughts and replace them with something happier.

Think about something good that’s happened to you today or write a list of everything you’re thankful for. Once you shut off that voice that says, “you can’t do this” learning how to be confident gets a lot easier.

6. Maintain a Good Diet and Exercise Routine

Everyone talks about the benefits of eating right and exercising, but can it really affect your self-confidence? Well, the short answer is yes!

Exercising and eating certain foods can boost your mood. When you feel happier, you’ll be more positive which leads to more confidence. You may also find that you lose weight, have healthier hair, and have clearer skin which can boost your self-image and make you feel confident in your appearance.

7. Relax

Part of learning how to become confident is practicing self-care. If you’re constantly stressed and high-strung, it’ll be harder to improve your confidence.

Do one thing every day to help you relax. This could be reading a book, practicing yoga, or taking a bubble bath. When you’re able to clear your head, you can let the positive thoughts in and be ready to boost your confidence.

The Best Confidence Boosters to Practice Every Day

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking confidence is something you’re either born with or not. There are steps you can take every day to challenge this thought and become more confident. Just follow our confidence boosters, so you can live your best life.

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