A Simple Guide to Living With Chronic Illness

Woman with Chronic Illness

The statistics around chronic illness in America are alarming. It’s estimated that 6 in 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease. 40% of adults have two or more chronic diseases.

Living with chronic illness is challenging in many ways. Aside from the obvious health and mobility problems and pain, there are financial and emotional challenges too. It might be hard to hold down a job or maintain a relationship. You might have to give up your favorite hobbies.

But all is not lost. There are some strategies you can apply to help live a fulfilling life, even after being diagnosed with a chronic illness. Read on to find out more.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

You’re not alone. The statistics above demonstrate this with certainty. Peer support groups exist for just about every condition. These groups allow people to discuss every aspect of their condition, with people who really understand what they’re going through.

It’s important to be honest with loved ones too. Your friends and family might want to help, but not know what you need. Can you ask for specific assistance, maybe driving you to medical appointments or helping with you with grocery shopping? Having a good support network can make life with chronic diseases a lot easier.

Take Control of Living With Chronic Illness

When facing life with a chronic illness, you can feel powerless. But taking control of your medical care can make you feel more positive.

Your medical team specializing in chronic disease management should be able to help with symptom management and treatment planning. It’s a good idea to make a list of questions for your appointments and also bring someone with you where possible, in case you can’t remember everything your doctor tells you.

Accept Your Limitations

Boom and bust behavior is common among people who live with chronic illness. Some days you might feel ready to take on the world, but you may well pay the price the next day with exhaustion and exacerbated symptoms. You need to strike a balance between protecting your health and trying to live a normal life.

It’s hard to miss out on social events and feel like you’re disappointing your friends and family. But sometimes it’s better, in the long run, to accept your limitations and say no. Or maybe you can rearrange something else which is easier for you to deal with.

Focus on the things you can change. Improving your diet, exercising within your limitations, and working on your stress management techniques will all help to improve life with a chronic illness.

How Do You Live Well With Chronic Illness?

Living with chronic illness can be lonely, frustrating, and isolating. But there are things that you can do to make life more bearable. Seek support and make sure you are fully informed about your treatment. Try to stay positive and focus on the good things in your life.

Keeping up to date with the latest news in health and wellness can also help you on your journey. Be sure to check out the rest of the blog for more inspiring articles.