5 COVID Symptoms and How to Avoid Them

COVID Symptoms

Are you feeling under the weather?

In 2020, experiencing any type of symptoms has become reason enough to make people skittish. As COVID-19 rages around the world, those who fall ill wonder if they have a fever or if they’ve contracted the awful new sickness.

If this describes you, then don’t worry. The virus might be new, but it’s been around long enough that we now know a thing or two about it.

And this knowledge can give you crucial power around your symptoms and your ability to control the spread.

Below, we’ll go into 5 of the COVID symptoms and how to deal with them.

1. COVID Symptoms That Are Warnings of an Emergency

Does just doing simple tasks leave you feeling winded and gasping for air? Do you have blue lips, confusion, or pressure or pain in your chest?

If so, then you should seek immediate medical attention.

COVID-19 is a respiratory virus that attacks the lungs, making it difficult for people to catch their breath. This leads to a lack of oxygen and can interfere with a patient’s ability to breathe.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, stop reading this article and call 911 immediately. You must receive immediate medical attention.

2. Fever

One of the most prominent COVID symptoms is a fever.

If you experience a spike in temperature, you might have COVID-19. Should you wish to be certain, you may go to your local COVID-19 testing center to get tested.

Other than that, you should focus on staying at home and as far away from others as possible. If you live with other people, try to limit your interactions.

3. Fatigue

Are you feeling overly tired?

Fatigue is one of the COVID signs and symptoms.

If you’re feeling inordinately exhausted, quarantine yourself at home, monitor your symptoms and get rest.

4. Loss of Taste or Smell

Losing your sense of taste or smell has become a hallmark of COVID-19.

While not everyone experiences sensory loss, it is one of the telltale signs of the virus.

5. Diarrhea

Many people talk about the fever and the inability to breathe, but did you know diarrhea is also a COVID-19 symptom?

If you’re experiencing unexplained diarrhea, especially if it’s in association with other symptoms, get tested.

How to Prevent the COVID-19 Spread

Whether or not you have the virus, you can take steps to stop its spread.

First, stay at home as much as possible. Even though many government restrictions have lifted, doctors still recommend people practice social distancing.

If you must go out, wear a mask and stand at least six feet away from everyone else. Avoid crowded places. Whenever possible, do outdoor activities instead of visiting indoor public spaces.

Second, wash your hands often. Lather your hands with soap and warm water, scrub thoroughly, and rinse.

Encourage everyone in your family to do the same. Refuse to meet with people who are not adhering to social distancing, even if they are close friends or relatives.

Wondering which type of mask to get? KN95 protective masks are some of the best on the market for civilians.

Want More Health Advice?

These are scary times, whether or not you have COVID symptoms.

Regardless of how you’re feeling today, you need to take care of your body. No matter what that looks like for you, make sure you are eating healthy, getting rest, and staying as strong as you can.

Want more health advice? Check out the rest of our posts!