4 Sciatica Signs To Help Diagnose Your Back Pain


About 20% of American adults have had to deal with chronic pain.

Back pains tend to be one of the most common types of chronic pain. If you or a loved one is living with back pain, you already know how upsetting it can be. You never know how you’ll feel one day to the next, and sometimes the pain levels can get so bad it’s scary!

The good news is that sometimes back pain is the result of something easy to treat, like sciatica. In this article we’ll review a few of the most common sciatica signs, and whether or not you should see a chiropractor.

Read on to find out if your back pain is from sciatica.

1. Weakness or Numbness

One of the most notorious sciatica signs is having weakness in one of your legs. The weakness, and or numbness, can be the result of the sciatic nerve being compressed. The nerve could be compressed because of a herniated disk, spinal stenosis, or a bone spur.

2. Tingling Sensations

Another sign that you might have sciatica is if you’re experiencing a tingling sensation in the foot of the affected leg. The pressure that’s being put on the sciatic nerve can cause it to go to sleep.

When you move your body and the pressure’s alleviated, the nerve starts to wake up. As the nerve begins waking up, you’ll experience a pins and needles type of tingling in your feet and toes.

3. Pain Radiating Down Your Leg

Next, pain radiating down your leg is a hallmark sign of sciatica. That isn’t to say that you won’t experience pain in other areas, such as your lower back and buttocks. However, the pain radiating down your leg will usually be the most intense.

When to Seek Chiropractic Treatment

Is your sciatic pain so severe that it’s impeding your ability to enjoy everyday life? Reclaiming your ability to live a full and happy life is one of the top reasons to see a chiropractor to treat sciatica. They’ll be able to provide effective, non-invasive treatments, while also giving you advice for managing the pain.

4. Struggling With Incontinence

Incontinence is the inability to control your bowel or bladder, and it’s a sign of severe sciatica. If you suspect sciatica is causing your incontinence, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Your incontinence could be the sign of a dangerous underlying spinal condition, such as cauda equina. The cauda equina is a nerve that sits at the base of your spine and when it’s compressed it can cause sciatica.

Pay Attention to Sciatica Signs

Sciatica signs aren’t something you should ignore. If you’re dealing with sciatic pain, reach out to a chiropractor today so you can finally get the relief you deserve.

After getting your sciatica diagnosis from the chiropractor you’ll be able to get information to help with preventing sciatic flare-ups in the future. Before you know it, you’ll be able to lead a pain-free life once again.

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