3 Awesome Reasons to Become a Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from 2020 is to expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything. Unemployment climbed as high as 16% in May due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. As many people lost work in 3 months as the entire 2 years of the Great Recession. 

2020 has revealed some of the hidden tensions in today’s working world. It’s caused many to consider how to future proof their career. 

Freelance writing was already growing as an industry long before COVID-19. There are over 57 million freelancers in the United States alone. Many more have been making the transition due to disruptions brought on by the Coronavirus. 

Here are some reasons to become a freelance writer if you’ve been thinking of taking up the pen. 

Reasons To Become A Freelance Writer

Let’s start at the beginning (it’s a very good place to start, as the song goes.) ‘Freelance writing’ is a gigantic umbrella with many, many subdivisions and disciplnes existing beneath its shade. If you are able to string words together into a sentence, and enjoy doing so, you can probably excel as a freelance writer. 

That’s just one reason to become a freelance writer, though. Here are some more. 

Never Stop Learning

Corporate jobs are notoriously mind-numbing. They prioritize repetition and standardization over any kind of innovation. That means that learning something new or doing something interesting while on the corporate clock is exceedingly rare. 

With freelance writing, you’re constantly learning and evolving. Every writing assignment involves problem solving as well as creativity. 

There’s something for both left-brained and right-brained individuals alike. Both can excel when becoming a writer, provided you put the work in. 

Networking Opportunities

When you’re working for others or chained to a desk from 9-to-5, you’re very limited in who you are able to meet. This means that you’re missing out on precious opportunities to meet new people and make valuable new professional connections. 

Every freelance client you procure has the potential to become a long-term client. It doesn’t take very long for you to have a stable roster of steady clients and be earning a respectable income. 


How many times have you had to pass on a vacation because you had to work? How many opportunities do you think you’ve missed out on while earning a paycheck?

Probably the #1 reason to become a freelance writer is the freedom to organize your own life. As long as you’re able to keep up with your work, meet your quotas, and do a good job, the rest of the time is yours. 

Most of the time you’ll be working remotely as a freelance writer, as well. This means that you can work using only your laptop, as long as there’s an internet connection. Intrepid scribes could probably even get by on a smartphone and 4G! 

That means that once you’re set up as a freelance writer, you can begin living the dream of the digital nomad. You could be sitting on a sidewalk cafe in some sunny city and getting paid for it!

If you’re ready to take the first step, you can learn more about finding freelance jobs over here. 

Looking For More Career Tips?

We’ve got everything you need to become your best self! From tips on how to stay motivated to working smart and not hard to advice on how to become a freelance writer, you’ll find something to keep you inspired and brighten your day! Browse the rest of our site today for even more inspiration!