Contacts vs Glasses: How to Know What’s Best for You

Contacts vs Glasses

Find a sight for sore eyes. Just make sure you can see it first. 

Americans spend billions of dollars on eyewear every year. When people think of caring for their eyes, they think of glasses. But glasses are not always ideal. 

Consider getting contacts instead. You need to consider the contacts vs glasses debate so you can decide the right eyewear for you. Here is a quick guide.

Pros and Cons of Contacts

Contacts are small and thin plastic disks that you wear in your eyes. They float on top of your eyes’ tear films, which cover your corneas. Contact lenses correct vision by refracting light into your eyes. 

Contacts conform to the shapes of your eyes, providing a wide field of view. They generate less vision distortion and obstruction than most eyeglasses.

Some lenses can reshape your cornea, allowing you to see better through time. You can help test the prescription of your contacts through sites like

Contacts do not get in your way while you exercise. Most contacts are clear, so they do not clash with your fashion style. Weather conditions do not affect them, so they don’t fog up as glasses do.  

Since you place contacts onto your eyes, you may have trouble applying them. Contacts reduce the oxygen that reaches your eyes, which can dry your eyes out. 

Contacts can push against your eyes, especially when you close them. If you fall asleep while wearing contacts, your eyes will become irritated. You will need to practice caution while wearing contacts. 

Pros and Cons of Glasses

You wear glasses on your nose, with corrective lenses close around your eyes. Glasses work as contacts do, refracting light into your eyes so you can see. 

Wearing glasses reduces your need to touch your eyes. Your eyes will be less irritated, and your chances of developing an eye infection are diminished. 

Glasses do not irritate dry or sensitive eyes. They also offer protection from wind and flying debris. Frames make a good fashion statement while glasses remain more affordable than contact lenses. 

Eyeglasses sit roughly half an inch from your eyes. Your peripheral vision will remain distorted. Frames can put pressure on your nose and ears, causing headaches and strains. 

The elements will affect your glasses. Precipitation collects on your lenses, and fog accumulates in cold weather. 

A strong prescription can make the edges of your lenses unappealing. Your glasses may magnify the appearance of your eyes. Consider different prescriptions before purchasing a set of glasses. 

You can buy contact lenses and glasses. You can wear contact lenses while you are exercising, then wear glasses for the rest of the day. Many people switch between the two.

Contacts vs Glasses

The contacts vs glasses debate is an involved one. Consider what your personal needs are, then consider how contacts or glasses appeal to your needs. 

Contacts provide a wider field of view than glasses. Contacts do not get in your way while you exercise, and they do not interfere with your sense of fashion. 

Glasses do not irritate dry eyes as contacts do. Glasses are cheaper than contacts, and they provide a strong prescription perfect for irritated eyes. 

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