7 Simple Ways to Have Healthier Gums

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When it comes to oral health, gum health is of utmost importance. The more deterioration your gums experience, the more deterioration your teeth will experience as well. The gums are the root of it all and therefore require careful attention.

Wondering how to have healthier gums? Then read on. We’re going to provide you with seven simple tips below.

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re brushing your teeth. No one action is more vital to the health of your gums than brushing. Brushing your teeth prevents plaque buildup, thus keeping bacteria from impairing your oral health as a whole.

If you fail to brush your teeth, bacteria-laden plaque will build up on your teeth. Once there, the bacteria will spread to the gums, causing them to decay and reducing both their aesthetics and their functionality.

You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day: once in the morning when you wake up and once at night before you go to sleep. If possible, you should also brush your teeth after each snack or meal.

In the end, the more you can keep plaque at bay, the greater chance you have to reverse gum disease naturally. Brushing is key!

2. Floss Regularly

Not only should you be brushing your teeth regularly, but you should also be flossing your teeth regularly. Whereas brushing removes the plaque that builds upon the teeth, flossing removes the plaque that builds up between the teeth.

And as was noted above, the more plaque you have in your mouth, the more bacteria will spread to your gums. Eventually, this could lead to full-on periodontal disease.

How often should you floss? Ideally, once a day, and ideally at the end of the day. A full-mouth flossing will remove all of the food particles that got stuck between your teeth, keeping plaque buildup to a minimum.

3. Clean Your Tongue

One thing that a lot of people skip over when tending to their oral health is the cleaning of their tongue. That’s right; you need to clean your tongue, just as you do your teeth and your gums.

See, the tongue can hold substantial amounts of bacteria. If it’s never cleaned, this bacteria will grow, transferring to the gums and causing all sorts of damage.

Now, how do you clean your tongue? One option is to quite simply brush it with your toothbrush. Another option is to use a specifically-designed tongue cleaner.

Regardless, you should be cleaning your tongue every time you brush your teeth; so, one time when you wake up and one time before you go to sleep.

4. Make Use of Mouthwash

Brushing, flossing, and cleaning your tongue will, for the most part, do away with the plaque in your mouth. Note, though, that there could still be trace amounts that remain. To do away with these trace amounts, you’re advised to make use of mouthwash.

Mouthwash is specifically designed to wash out plaque and kill bacteria. As such, by swishing it around in your mouth, you will be doing a world of good for your gums. Not to mention, you’ll be making your breath smell better.

There is no shortage of mouthwashes available on the market. You can find them in your local grocery store for around $5. Some of the best brands include Oral-B and Listerine.

5. Avoid Trouble Foods

All foods can have a negative impact on the gums. Note, though, that some foods are much more troubling than others. So, if you want good gums, you should avoid these foods as much as possible.

Curious as to which foods are most troubling? Generally speaking, it’s those that are high in sugars and starches. In other words: junk food.

Potato chips, candy, soda, and the like are all foods that can be detrimental to the gums. So, while you can still indulge in them every once in a while, you should try to avoid them as much as possible.

If you do eat these foods, you should brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating them. The less time you give them to linger, the less plaque buildup you’ll experience.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

The saliva in your mouth acts as a natural cleanser. It carries away plaque and prevents bacteria from making its way to the gums. As such, you need to make sure that you’re producing ample saliva at all times.

How do you achieve this? It’s as simple as drinking water. Drinking water throughout the day will not only cleanse your mouth directly but will also promote the production of further saliva, preventing the stagnation of harmful bacteria.

You should be drinking at least eight 8-ounce cups of water daily. This will aid not only in protecting your gums but in hydrating you as well.

7. See a Dentist Regularly

All of the tips above are vital to maintaining healthy gums. But if you want the absolute best gums possible, you need to see a dentist regularly as well.

Seeing a dentist is important for two reasons: 1. it allows you to receive in-depth teeth cleaning, and 2. it allows you to catch small issues before they turn into big issues. For instance, if you’re in the early stages of periodontal disease, your dentist can inform you and help devise a plan to counteract it.

You should see your dentist twice yearly: once every 6 months.

These Tips are the Keys to Healthier Gums

If your goal is to have healthier gums, you must utilize the tips reviewed above. Not only will they improve the look of your gums but the hygiene of your entire mouth as well.

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