5 Knee Replacement Recovery Tips to Heal Faster


Knee replacement surgeries in the U.S. top 790,000 every year. If you’re joining those statistics, you’re probably concerned about the knee replacement recovery time.

Most people can resume normal daily living activities in 3 to 6 weeks. But the way you handle your surgery recovery can affect that timeline and how well you recover.

Check out these knee replacement recovery tips to help heal faster after your surgery.

1. Follow Your Doctor’s Regimen

Follow your doctor’s orders for your knee replacement preparation and recovery. That might involve losing weight or strengthening your legs before surgery. Being in good physical condition makes the surgery easier on your body.

After the surgery, go to all scheduled follow-up appointments, therapies, and other things the doctor prescribes. Don’t skip things just because they hurt or seem difficult. If you’re concerned about how something feels, contact your doctor before you skip them.

2. Manage Your Pain

Pain management during knee replacement recovery makes it easier for you to do your exercises and stay active, which helps with healing. Take pain medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Icing regularly can ease pain and reduce swelling, making it easier for you to move your knee. Ice your knee as prescribed by your doctor, even if you don’t feel pain or discomfort.

3. Do Your Exercises

Even if your knee hurts after surgery, you need to follow the physical therapy and home exercise routine you’re given. Discomfort is part of that process.

Enduring that discomfort helps you strengthen your muscles, improve your range of motion, and regain your mobility. The more religiously you do those exercises, the faster you’ll enjoy those benefits. If you skip exercises, you might miss out on the full range of movement and mobility.

In addition to specific exercises your doctor or physical therapist tells you to do, being active overall helps. Walking is especially helpful for building up your muscles and preventing a lot of scar tissue from building up in your knee.

However, don’t start doing lots of exercise and physical activity if your doctor doesn’t approve them. Doing the wrong type of physical activity could cause irritation or damage your knee.

4. Prevent Wound Infections

An infection in the incision can cause setbacks in your recovery. Redness, pus, increased pain, and fever are some potential signs of an infection. Call your doctor immediately if you suspect an infection.

If you need to replace wound dressings yourself, your doctor should show you how to do it. Always wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water before you touch your wound in any way. Avoid scratching the wound area while it’s still healing.

5. Use Supports

Wear any braces or other supports that your doctor prescribes. Using a walker or cane after your surgery helps support you when you walk. They can prevent falls that could damage your knee, and they can signal to people in public to give you a little more room so you don’t get bumped.

Follow Knee Replacement Recovery Tips

By following these knee replacement recovery tips, you can get back to a more normal routine faster. Many of these tips can help improve the outcome and help you feel better faster.

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