6 Tips for Maintaining Health During Flu Season


As flu season approaches, you might be wondering what the best way is to keep you and your family safe and healthy. 

Getting the flu is miserable. You at once feel stuffy and runny, you have to deal with aches and pains, and you might even have trouble keeping your food down. Not only is getting the flu uncomfortable, but it can also make you miss work and special events and occasions. 

Whether you are just trying to avoid getting the flu and dealing with all that comes with it, or you are nervous about other infectious viruses, maintaining health is essential. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make sure you stay healthy during flu season. 

If you are determined to avoid getting sick, this short and simple guide is for you. 

1. Get a Flu Shot

One of the best tips for maintaining your health during flu season is to get a flu shot. These shots help prevent the most common variations of the flu you are likely to contract. As a bonus, the flu shot is covered by most health insurance policies. 

2. Wash Your Hands

While washing your hands is important at any time, it’s essential during flu season. While you cannot avoid germs altogether, you can minimize your risk of getting infected by washing your hands. Make sure to use soap, warm water, and wash for at least 20 seconds. 

3. Sanitize Shared Surfaces

A helpful tip for staying healthy during flu season is to sanitize shared surfaces. This includes counters, door handles and knobs, work phones, and more. This is a great way to keep your environment germ-free.  

4. Hydrate 

Drinking enough water is important if you want to avoid getting sick. Water helps flush out the toxins from your body and it also moistens the lining of your nose, so dust, dirt, and germs are trapped instead of inhaled. Drink the recommended 8 glasses per day for the best results. 

5. Get Enough Sleep

While you sleep, your body rests and repairs, making you stronger for the next day. This is essential because when you are sleep deprived, your immune system weakens making you more susceptible to getting sick. Get the recommended amount of sleep to keep yourself healthy and strong. 

6. Eat Healthy Foods 

Did you know eating healthy foods can reduce your risk of getting the flu? Foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are beneficial for keeping you healthy and strong. You can make your food or eat at a quality health food restaurant

Use These Tips for Maintaining Health During Flu Season

By using these tips, you can ensure you are maintaining health during the flu season. 

Start by getting a flu shot and washing your hands regularly. You should also sanitize shared spaces, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. You can supercharge your efforts by eating immunity-boosting foods. 

Follow these tips to keep you and your family healthy and safe.

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