Fountain of Youth: 7 Unmistakable Benefits of Collagen


Collagen is your body’s most abundant protein. It accounts for a third of your body’s protein. Collagen is the glue that holds your body’s bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, and muscles together.

Take away this glue, and your body loses this structure. What happens if you add more of this “glue?” Does it make your body stronger?

Did you know that collagen can improve your skin, muscles, joints, and overall health? Here’s what you need to know about the benefits and how to get a boost.

What is Collagen?

As we stated above, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body—it is vital for your body to function. It is the glue that holds everything together.

It also sends important signals which can help reduce inflammation and repair damaged cells. Collagen also protects organs and improves skin elasticity.

Your body produces collagen naturally and regularly. However, when you age, this production slows down and can cause you to get wrinkles, feel stiff and achy, and also lower bone and muscle mass. Bad habits like smoking, sun exposure, and an unhealthy diet can also decrease your collagen production.

Now let’s talk more about the additional benefits of collagen.

1. Prevents Bone Loss

Your bones are made from collagen that gives them structure and keeps them strong. When you age, your collagen begins to deteriorate causing your bone mass to also decrease.

When you have lower bone density, you have an increased chance of bone fractures. Studies show that taking collagen can increase bone density for women losing bone density during menopause.

2. Reverses Skin Aging

Collagen can make skin appear to glow and be youthful and healthy. This happens because collagen gives the skin elasticity.

As people age, collagen production declines. The lower level of this protein causes loose skin, fine lines, and dryness.

When the collagen levels are high, your skin is smooth and firm. This is because collagen helps the cells repair and renew. It also keeps the skin moisturized.

A study found that women who took a collagen supplement improved their skin after four weeks. Those who took the placebo did not see any skin improvements during this time. Participants who took the collagen supplement also saw a reduction in wrinkles after about eight weeks.

3. Improves Digestion

Collagen strengthens your digestive tract’s lining. If this lining is compromised in any way, it can cause some serious interruptions in your intestine’s function.

This is known as leaky gut and lets particles and toxins get into your bloodstream, causing inflammation. There are many diseases that can be traced back to the leaky gut syndrome.

Your body also does not absorb minerals and vitamins because they pass right through your system if you have issues with your digestive health.

A study found that people with inflammatory bowel disease most likely had lower levels of collagen. Inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut syndrome can be very uncomfortable because your stomach and intestine walls become irritated and inflamed.

If you take more collagen, it can seal the protective lining of your digestive tract. By building up your intake of collagen, you can promote better gut health to make you healthier overall.

4. Boosts Muscles

Your muscles need protein to be strong and to function. What happens to your muscles as you begin to age and collagen production slows down? Your muscles begin to weaken.

Research indicates that consuming collagen supplements can increase muscle strength and growth. These studies show that collagen can also increase the synthesis of creatine which helps improve muscle strength.

5. Relieve Joint Pain

Your cartilage will begin to weaken as you age. This causes you to feel achy and stiff in your joints. Could collagen help relieve some of these symptoms?

Studies have shown that collagen may provide natural relief. One study found that athletes that experience joint pain while working out were able to lower their pain levels by taking collagen. It can also reduce pain while lifting heavy objects and standing.

6. Promotes Heart Health

Collagen may even help one of your biggest muscles—your heart. Collagen gives your arteries structure to carry blood throughout your body. Your arteries would be weak without collagen.

Collagen may also help lower cholesterol. This helps prevent heart disease. One study found that participants that took collagen a couple of times a day for a period of six months saw a reduction of plaque buildup in their arteries.

If you have a buildup of plaque in your arteries, your blood cannot flow to other organs. Taking collagen may help prevent this buildup or lessen any buildup you already have to help prevent a stroke or heart attack.

7. Strengthens Hair, Nails, and Teeth

Are your nails and hair brittle? If so, you may be lacking enough collagen. Collagen is the foundation to build your hair, nails, and teeth. You can get stronger nails, teeth, and hair by increasing your collagen intake.

A study found that 88 percent of participants taking collagen supplements saw positive changes with their brittle nails. Their nails were stronger after taking this supplement for 24 weeks.

How to Get More Collagen

With all these health benefits, you are probably wondering how you can get more collagen in your diet. Try bone broth which is made by simmering bones to get the flavor and nutrients. You can make your own broth at home or buy powders.

You can also try powdered gelatin which you can mix with about any liquid. You can also put it in your coffee.

Make sure you eat a well-rounded diet, which includes animal proteins. A positive diet can also give you positive thoughts.

Collagen supplements are probably the easiest option to increase your intake, and these supplements come in pill or powdered forms. You can add this powder to about anything including your coffee, smoothies, or baked goods. Shop here for some collagen powder.

When you think about it, our ancestors used to eat more of the animal’s body parts including ligaments, skin, and tendons. These parts are rich with collagen.

Other Ways to Improve Your Lifestyle

As you increase your collagen intake, it’s important to take care of yourself in other ways.

Check out our site for other health advice like how to get a good self-care routine.