8 Great Self-Care Routine Ideas to Help Get You Going

self careroutines

Most of us live pretty hectic lives and sometimes it’s hard to find the time to slow down and take of yourself. Between working, family, friends and unexpected occurrences that happen on a daily, it seems like we’re getting shorter on time to incorporate any practices that focus on our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Some people even run into the issue of burn-out because they’ve been using up all their energy without even taking the time to replenish. And, often times, society does not teach us how important and acceptable it is to focus less on productivity and more on rest. Take a look at these 8 great self-care routines that can help to refresh and rejuvenate your mind and body.

1. Start a Daily Journal

Journaling is such a powerful tool that can often be overlooked as one of the helpful self-care routines due to its simplicity. However, writing in a journal on a daily basis helps you to “dump” all of your emotions onto a page instead of carrying them around with you or having to share them with others when you don’t really want to. Then once you’ve written them down, you can review how you’re feeling.

Try searching for different journal styles and writing prompts to help add more layers to your writing. You’ll be surprised how useful writing your thoughts and feelings on an empty page can be once you become consistent with this practice.

2. Declutter & Beautify Your Space

Many people have written books and advocated for the concept of how your space and environment can deeply affect your life. Taking a quick look at the philosophy of Feng Shui shows us that a lot of cultures think keeping your physical space clear is one of the most essential self-care routines. 

When you’re feeling chaotic or confused, try organizing your home and work space. This can give you instant peace of mind just by looking around a room that neat and structured. You can also find solace in decorating your space with objects that remind you of beauty and relaxation, such as plants, artwork or even family heirlooms.

3. Take a Break From Electronics

Our society has made it difficult to remember to incorporate self-care routines in our lives because of the heavy emphasis on engaging with technology. Keeping a cellphone or tablet up to your face all day can be very harmful to your physical and mental health.

You may find yourself feeling exhausted or depressed about your own life after you’ve scrolled through social media for 45 minutes. Take a day to be completely free of your phone and other electronics. Start in small increments of putting your phone away and work your way up if a day is too much to commit to right now.

4. Practice Breathing & Meditation

Western society has adopted a lot of Eastern spiritual practices and added them to self-care routines. Becoming aware of your breathing can have tremendous results on your overall health. And paying attention to your thoughts can help to decrease negative thinking you may be doing throughout the day.

Put aside a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath and thoughts. Meditation is not about struggling to get a completely empty mind. It’s about you being able to observe what subconsciously goes on in your mind and filter some of the unnecessary and unhelpful thoughts.

5. Make Time for Creative Hobbies

One thing we forget about when it comes to self-care routines is how much we tend to not do activities just for pleasure and enjoyment. Allow yourself some time to engage in hobbies that you love or even something you’ve been meaning to try. Turn your logical brain off to explore new creative activities.

Consider taking a cooking class or painting a picture at home. Inviting art, adventure and fun into your life should be on your self-care checklist.

6. Give Yourself Spa Treatment

Who doesn’t love getting pampered after a long day of working hard? This is definitely one of the self-care routines that everybody can enjoy. Stop by the spa for a massage or facial to loosen up the tension in your body.

If you’re looking to save money, you can also give yourself a spa day at home. Grab some essentials for a relaxing bath and a homemade face and hair mask. This routine doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate but it should be included.

7. Go On Dates With Yourself

Most people spend a lot of their time with other people. This doesn’t really give us much time to enjoy our own company. This is why you should try taking yourself out on dates.

Go catch a movie solo or sit in for lunch at a restaurant that has raving reviews. You don’t need to wait on anyone to tag along with you. Take the time to treat yourself to a day out without feeling weird or awkward about the idea.

8. Be Kind to Your Body

Your health begins to take a toll when you’re constantly working on living life on the go. It’s important to adopt healthy habits into your daily life to prevent injuries and illness. You don’t have to take a huge leap into any drastic changes but making a few switches could make a big difference in your body’s health.

Make sure you have adequate water intake every day and include plenty of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Also, try to consciously get your body moving at least 15-30 minutes throughout the day. Proper nutrition and exercise can go a long way with just a little effort each day!

Need More Ideas for Self Care Routines?

You can enhance the quality of your life by making sure you add one or more self-care routines on a daily or weekly basis. Find what works best for bringing relaxation to your mind and body and become consistent with that practice.

Take every day one step at a time and remember giving yourself time to recharge is a priority. If you’d like more information on improving your mental and physical health, check out our blog for more info!