7 Ways to Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

get rid of negative thoughts

If you were a team manager, would you ever hire a coach who tears everyone down instead of encourages them?

Absolutely not, so why do you sabotage yourself by hiring that coach to control your thoughts?

It’s true that we are always our own worst critics. In order to blossom into the best versions of ourselves, one necessary step is firing that terrible coach. If you struggle with clearing your mind, you need to read these 7 ways to get rid of negative thoughts.

1. Get Rid of Negative Thoughts by Writing Them Down

Writing has many therapeutic effects. This method works great for people who may feel self-conscious talking about their problems. Paper never judges!

When you write down your thoughts, imagine each word is being pulled out of your mind. Once it’s on the paper, you’re free. After you’ve cleared your mind by detailing every bad thought, you get to close your journal and leave it behind.

Keeping a journal is also a great way to track your own growth. Over time, you may find that your entries contain fewer negative thoughts. Whenever you feel down, you can look back on days when things were worse and feel proud of how much you’ve grown since then.

2. For Every Negative Thought, Think of a Positive

If you want to know how to stop bad thoughts in your head, one of the most productive things you can do is to counteract them. It may feel hard at first, but force yourself to think of something positive whenever your mind is buzzing with negativity.

If you had a bad day at work, think of all the things you like about your career. If you’re feeling bad about your appearance, take the time to study yourself in a mirror and say all the things you like about yourself out loud.

Vocalizing these thoughts is another way to process your emotions. When you say something that feels terrible in your head, you may laugh at how silly it sounds once you say it out loud. When you follow up that thought with a positive statement, it can make you smile.

Life is fast-paced. It’s easy to feel like you’re never good enough. That’s why taking care of your mental health is vital.

3. Adopt a Furry Friend

If you don’t already own a pet, you should really look into adopting one from your local animal shelter. Not only will you save the life of a loving being, but you can also improve your own health.

Studies have shown that people who own dogs live longer for numerous reasons. The most obvious reason is always coming home to a friend who couldn’t be more excited to give you affection. When you have a hard time being kind to yourself, your pet will be the first volunteer to show you how to love yourself.

Owning a dog also means that you have to take them on walks every day. Getting outside for some fresh air and exercise does wonders for your mental health, but more information on that will come soon.

When you pet a dog, your body releases oxytocin, the love hormone. Oxytocin fights cortisol, the stress hormone that may be causing your negative thoughts.

Pets can be great therapists, too! They’ll always be excited to sit on your lap and listen to anything you want to get off your chest.

You’re also not limited to dogs. Adopting any kind of pet that brings you joy is always a great way to get rid of negative thoughts. Sometimes caring for another living creature is all you need to rebalance your mind.

4. Channel Your Anxiety

Harness all of your negative energy and use it to do something positive. This can be done in many different ways. You get to choose what activities make you the happiest.

If you’re artistic, try writing a poem or painting an image inspired by your bad thoughts.

If you’re athletic, release your pent-up energy by exercising. You’ll feel incredible after those endorphins course through your body!

If you’re crafty, you can sew or do a puzzle.

The point is, using your hands to do something will always be a positive experience. Besides being therapeutic, you’ll also have a final product to look at and be proud of.

5. Change Your Breathing

If your negative thoughts push you to the edge of anxiety attacks, you need to know how to clear your mind of negative thoughts. People who suffer from anxiety benefit most from focusing on their breathing.

Coach yourself to breathe in through your nose for four counts, then exhale through your mouth for four counts. Keep counting in your head until your mind feels clearer and calmer.

6. Go for a Walk

You should go for walks every day, even on days when you don’t feel trapped in your mind. Walking is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental wellbeing.

You don’t have to make a big ordeal about your walks, either. Walking in a park where you’re surrounded by the calming sounds and smells of nature is best. However, you can even feel better taking a stroll around your office.

You may fight the claim that walking can cure your negative thoughts, but you can’t knock it until you try it. You’ll be amazed by how simple it is.

7. Reach Out to a Friend

Getting rid of negative thoughts can be as simple as picking up your phone. Everyone should have at least one person in their life who is there to support them through everything.

If you’re not the kind of person who wants to linger on your bad thoughts, then enjoy their company. On bad days, suggest grabbing a cup of coffee or going shopping. Engaging with them is effective at bringing your mind to brighter places.

Friends are there to remind you of all the reasons why they love being around you. Even if you don’t vocalize your thoughts, you should still feel better about yourself after a fun get together.

Ready to Be the Best You?

Now that you’ve learned how to get rid of negative thoughts, you’re one step closer to becoming unstoppable. ImagineUWeb is your best resource for self-improvement.