Taking Care of Yourself: Understanding the 7 Pillars of Self Care

self care

You’re all you’ve got. 

The way you take care of yourself dictates how you treat others, what sort of abundance you attract, and how you show up in your business and personal life. Self care is an essential part of life that will help you in ways you can’t imagine. 

With that said, there are 7 pillars of self-care you can use that will transform your life and your lifestyle. 

This guide will get you started. 

The 7 Pillars of Self Care

It pays to be deliberate about self care, rather than just haphazardly trying at it. When you have these details laid out, you’ll be better able to put them to use. 

Use these 7 pillars to make your life as great as it can be. 

1. Meditation is Medication

It can’t be overstated how important meditation is to your overall life. 

Sitting down comfortably, breathing consciously and remaining mindful the entire time can be a simple, yet great way to improve your self-care. While meditation is simple — it’s far from easy. 

Our minds naturally wander like crazy, particularly in a world where technology is a swipe or a type away. Coming back “home” to your breathing and sense of presence will carry over into your entire life. 

Not only does meditation help you to not get lost in the clutter of your mind, but it also helps you to sharpen your focus, improves your immune system, is great for your nervous system, makes you sleep better, and can improve your overall productivity. 

Meditate every day, no matter what, and it’ll be a great way to strengthen and soothe your mind and spirit. 

2. Exercise Helps Your Body and Mind

You need to exercise regularly if you are hoping to care for your life as a whole. Choose a form of exercise that helps you with your fitness goals, and is something fun that you won’t mind doing regularly. 

Some people might want to sign up for jiu-jitsu or join a Muay Thai gym. Another person might just love lifting heavy weights, doing yoga, or jogging each morning. 

No matter what, think of exercise as great therapy for you from a holistic perspective. 

When you workout on a regular basis, it’s easier for you to think clearly, beat depression, sleep soundly, and walk around with more overall confidence. You also improve your quality of life and longevity, since you’ll have a healthy heart and your whole body will be stronger and better. 

3. Journaling Allows You to Make Sense of it all and Cures Anxiety

There have been entire communities of people online lately that are coming together to help each other recognize the power of journaling. When you get it out of your head and onto the page, it not only makes it real, it offers a sense of relief. 

When you journal, you are better able to set goals and intentions and figure out how to make these dreams come true. 

You can use several different journaling methods that will be worthwhile for you, but the important thing is to do it. In addition to journaling each day, make sure that you also review your journals. 

Journaling and reviewing your journal helps you think clearly each day and stay on track. 

4. Nutrition is Essential

Do everything you can to feed your body the good stuff. 

When you’re eating junk food and carrying around extra weight, it makes it more difficult to get through each day. Conversely, you will think clearly and have more energy when you eat foods that empower you. 

As a quick hack, load up healthy fruits and vegetables, in addition to chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp seeds into a smoothie each day. This way, you will know that you are getting the nutrients that’ll help you out.

5. Be Deliberate About Life and What You Want From It

These self-care tips work so much better when you have a north star that you are shooting for. 

For example, if your main goal in life is to become the best version of your self, you’ll know why you’re eating healthy, what you’re journaling, and what fitness goals will help you achieve your goals. Someone whose main goal is education will also be better informed about what sort of materials they need to be reading. 

A lot of pain in life comes when you wander aimlessly. When you do this, you are letting life happen to you, rather than imposing your will on life. 

Instead, start with what you want, and set out to live that life on your terms. 

6. Take Care of Your Business and Finance

You don’t need to be Warren Buffet, but you do need to follow some guidelines that will help you keep your business and money under control. 

Start with something small like having a budget. Get out of debt, pay your bills on time, and start growing streams of income little by little. 

The better you get a handle on these matters, the less unnecessary stress you will have in your life. 

7. Manage Your Relationships

Finally, do everything you can to give and receive love in your life. 

The better you manage your personal relationships, the easier it’ll be to prosper. Pick up the phone and call people, or otherwise touch base from time to time. Let people know how you feel about them. 

Managing relationships also means enforcing boundaries. The more you respect and love yourself, the more you’ll be able to extend this respect and love to others. 

Get the Most Out of Your Self Care as a Whole

When you make self care a priority, it’ll serve you well in each and every aspect of your life. These tips will help you live a prosperous life and will empower you to maneuver obstacles. 

Keep in mind that this is an everyday, lifelong process. Start with these tips as you deepen your practice of self care, and continuously strive to learn and grow. 

Check out more of our content to create a positive mindstate and to make changes that matter.