7 Positive Thoughts Before Bed to Keep You Positive in the Morning

positive thoughts before bed

Do you often struggle with how to clear your mind before bed?

Do you find yourself tossing, turning, or just staring at the ceiling, thinking about all the things that went wrong today and all the things that will probably go wrong tomorrow?

You already know that this is no way to live. You need to think positive thoughts before bed.

By dwelling on the negative, you’re not only jeopardizing your mental and your physical health. You’re also actively setting yourself up for failure when the new day comes.

So, what’s the solution?

Embrace the idea of committing to positive thoughts before bed.

Looking for a little inspiration?

Keep on reading this post for seven of the most effective happy thoughts before bedtime. You’ll be amazed by just how much of a difference changing your perspective from negative to positive can make.

1. “I Gave This Day My Best”

One of the most important positive thoughts before bed?

Reminding yourself that all you are ever able to give is your best.

Maybe you had to run on four hours of sleep, and you just weren’t able to get the laundry done, meet your friends for an after-work coffee, or respond to that work email.

Each day, however, you still do so much.

Recognize these large and small accomplishments, and stop beating yourself up over what you didn’t do.

2. “I Am Grateful to Be Alive”

Do you have your health? Do you have a bed to sleep in, a job to go to, and a person to sleep next to you?

If so, you are already in the minority, and you should feel incredibly satisfied with where you are in life. You should also take a moment to express gratitude regarding how lucky you are to have the things in your life that you do.

Being alive is a privilege, and you get to wake up every day and embrace the opportunity for new experiences and the potential for happiness.

Think about how much you have, not the things that you want.

3. “I Will Stay Present in the Moment Tomorrow”

Especially before bedtime, it’s easy to get caught up in to-do lists.

While planning is always a good idea to manage stress levels, it’s important to allow yourself to be flexible when, inevitably, you run into a hiccup in that plan.

Make a vow to yourself before you fall asleep that you’ll take each moment as it comes. Accept that not everything will go perfectly, and learn to embrace the unexpected and see it as a learning opportunity.

4. “I Am Proud of What I Accomplished Today”

Struggling with what to think about to fall asleep?

Instead of thinking about everything you have to get done tomorrow — which will only keep your mind racing — think about what you were able to get done today.

These accomplishments don’t have to be enormous, and they’ll likely vary based on your schedule and overall stress level and health. For example, maybe you finally conquered cleaning up your junk room, or perhaps you went on a walk for the first time in a few weeks after an illness.

Remember that every day, you’ve made it one step closer to your larger goals.

5. “My Favorite Moment of the Day Was…”

If you want to dwell on positive thoughts before sleep, it helps if you think about the very best part of your day.

Maybe you and your child shared a special moment during breakfast. Perhaps you were able to help a coworker overcome a special problem. Or, maybe you even received a bit of love and praise from your partner.

Your favorite moment of the day doesn’t have to be your biggest accomplishment of the day. Instead, think about the moment where you felt the most satisfied.

6. “A Single Setback Won’t Ruin My Day”

Let’s face it: no day is ever going to be perfect.

Your kids will throw a fit about getting in the car. You’ll make a mistake at work. You’ll react in anger or exhaustion and say something that you later regret to the people that you care about.

It’s time to let go of the illusion of perfection.

Instead, forbid yourself from letting the one thing that goes wrong tomorrow set the tone for your entire day. Let it happen, absorb it, and then move on from it.

7. “I Can’t Wait to See What Tomorrow Brings”

Instead of thinking things like, “I am dreading that 9:00 AM class tomorrow” or “There’s no possible way that I’m going to close that deal” before you fall asleep?

Focus instead on the incredible amount of possibility that every new day you experience offers you.

You should start feeling excitement, not dread, when you think about the upcoming day before you fall asleep.

We highly recommend starting a positivity journal and writing a few lines in it at bedtime. Before lights out, read through some of your entries, and notice how many moments of discover you’ve already encountered in your past.

Look forward to what tomorrow might bring, and you’ll fill your mind with good thoughts before bed.

Make These Positive Thoughts before Bed a Part of Your Routine

From deciding to be excited about tomorrow to banishing negativity from your mind, we hope that you’re ready to start making these positive thoughts before bed a part of your life.

Of course, you’ll also need to begin to work on ways to keep that positive mindset up throughout the day — no matter what kinds of curve balls life throws at you.

We can help.

From advice about personal development to helping you to keep a happy mood, check out our website for more tips on how to squeeze every last drop out of each day you’ve been blessed with.